minded minded adj. (…する)気のある, (…する)意向の, (…の)気のある. 【副詞】 commercially minded people 商魂たくましい人たち independently minded people 独立精神の持ち主 those who, like Pestalozzi, are psychologically minded
at large {形} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {副} :
as with his cousin , iwao oyama , saigo was a large minded person and kept an attitude that relied on his subordinates for small office work without fussing over details and took responsibilities for their failures . 西郷は従兄弟の大山巌と同じく、細かい事務は部下に任せて殆ど口を出さず、失敗の責任は自らが取るという考えを持っており度量が大きかった。